Walking downMount Faber Steps

Hello! Let me introduce myself.

Hi there, I'm Michelle and somehow I managed to create this website. I started blogging back in 2019 as a creative outlet to my analyst job. I was craving for something fun to do and I enjoy writing so I figured, let's start a blog.

I've learned a great deal about myself throughout this process. My mission here is to help people by either inspiring them in some way or helping them improve their day-to-day. I want to shout-out to Start a Mom blog for providing me with tools and inspiration to move forward with blogging.

So why the name, "Somehow I Manage?" Well if you're an Office fan then you'll know what that is. It's the unfinished book of Michael Scott, former Regional Manager of Dunder Mifflin. He last gave it to Darrell to finish as he only had one line, "Everyone likes the guy who gives them gum."

I am that guy. I always have gum. Since 6th grade, I've had a piece of gum in my mouth. Now I only have gum in my mouth if I'm out and about, at home I do not chew gum. So there you have it, I'm the most qualified to finish this book. If you haven't noticed, I love watching The Office and here's why I love the Office.